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By expanding its range of single-core cables (created to offer customers one range that meets the different needs of the market), Te.Co. obtained TEW (Thermoplastic Equipment Wire) certification in February. This certification of compliance with the Canadian standard applies to cables for automatic machines and is similar to the MTW standard in force in the USA.
The TEW-certified cables are made of flexible copper and have a PVC shield.
TEW cables are mostly used in the cabling of electric panels, as specified in the Canadian Electrical Code, and are CSA (Canadian Standards Association) certified.
The certification (which can be downloaded directly from the certifications section of this web site) was obtained in Multiple Listing Service format to supply customers with a complete line of products that satisfy the compliance requirements of the north American market and other markets as well.
UL/CSA certified cables guarantee quality and reliability. To learn more about them, go to the web site section dedicated to the certifications obtained by Te.Co. over the years.
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